
Thursday, March 3, 2011

Battle of the Sexes: Why Being a Chick Rules

I was thinking the other day about the battle of the sexes. I am not sure what triggered this but all I know is, I couldn’t stop thinking about how cool it is to be a chick. I mean sure, guys can pee standing up, they generally get paid more for the same work and they are usually better athletes but I wouldn’t trade being a girl for any of that, except maybe being able to pee standing up. So here it is, why it’s cool to be a chick.

We can easily get out of a traffic ticket if we really want to

We can see a naked girl anytime we want and for free

We can literally look cute/attractive in pretty much anything

Glasses, depending on the frames, will always make us look cuter

When we play with ourselves we don’t leave as big a mess

Two words: multiple orgasms

On the same subject, our orgasms are generally more intense.

We can pretty much always drink for free

Flirting is second nature

You can have more “fun” with a girl than a guy

We can wear men’s clothing and not look silly

We can cry at a movie without being ridiculed

We have the best excuse to be bitchy for part of every month

We can get laid whenever we want

Further installments may be coming as well.


  1. hahhahahah those reasons are so true!!!

  2. I always tell the high school boys on my bus to get used to the girls being in charge.
    Looking forward to future installments.

  3. Ha!! It is pretty rad to be a female. Nice post!
