
Monday, July 4, 2011

How can America improve itself? An opinion from an American citizen

Like most everyone in the United States, today I am celebrating our independence. This is my 25th Independence day and seeing that I am a history buff (as well as having a bachelor’s degree in history), I tend to look back and try to imagine what the Founders were thinking when they created this nation and what they would think of what we have done with it since. Now obviously they didn’t think of everything and they obviously made some mistakes, such as allowing slavery to continue, but overall I think many of the Founders would be disappointed in what we have allowed to happen. I’m not going to say that they would necessarily agree with everything I am going to list below but I do believe that they would consider it or at the very least, listen to it. So below are the some of the things I think that should or need to be changed in order for us to live up to what the Founders called “The American Experiment”

Legalization of marijuana or at least decriminalization

The decriminalization of marijuana it’s well on its way to becoming a reality. More and more states are allowing marijuana to be used for medical purposes but the problem is the casual user can still be thrown in jail for having it. Personally, I tried marijuana once, I didn’t like so I never tried it again. It is widely known though that regular cigarettes are more harmful, do to all the stuff they do to it, then marijuana. So the question is why the government doesn’t just legalize it already. The easiest answer is that they know that it would be impossible to regulate. Marijuana can be grown pretty much anywhere and they are afraid that if they legalize it that everyone will just start growing their own. The funniest thing about the criminalization of marijuana though is that George Washington grew it at Mt. Vernon. Not to mention, how much money do you suppose the government could save if they didn’t have all these people in jail for having a few ounces?

The war on drugs should be stopped

This one goes hand and hand with the legalization of marijuana. When President Nixon enacted the “war on drugs” back in the 70’s, I am sure his intentions were good. The truth though is that it’s even easier to get drugs nowadays then it was back then and it costs us billions of dollars a year to, quite frankly, engage in an unwinnable war. I am not suggesting that we just let the drugs come in freely but instead allowing local law enforcement deal with it. Trying to dismantle all the drug cartels in foreign countries is what seems to cost the most and I say, if those countries don’t want to deal with their problem then we shouldn’t be wasting our resources as well.

Longer terms for Representatives

A lot of people are in favor of term limits for both US Senators and Representatives. That’s not a bad idea per say, after all, many states have term limits for their State Senators and Representatives. I’m not really sure how I feel about term limits but I am in favor of having US Representatives get elected to longer terms. Right now they are elected to two year terms. Unfortunately with the way the government runs, you can’t get a lot of work done in that time and since they are up for reelection every two years that means that they are really only working for one year and the second year they are trying to get reelected.

Initiate a federal sales tax

This one is controversial to say the least but I think it may be the best way for the government to collect its money. The federal sales tax would be used in lieu of the federal income tax. In this way everyone that lives in this country contributes their fair share. In this way, the ultra-rich, some of whom find ways to end up paying little if any taxes, and people who don’t pay their taxes, such as illegal aliens or people with illegal professions, will not be able to avoid paying said taxes. Now the tax wouldn’t be that high but with the benefit of not having federal income tax withheld from checks, the American public should have no problem paying for what they need or want.

Civil rights for LGBT

For those that don’t know, LGBT stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered. This group is the last group of citizens who are still being denied their rights in some areas. The right to marry would be one of those rights but I am not talking about that specifically, even though it is near and dear to my heart, for obvious reasons. No, the truth is that there are many areas in this country where LGBT citizens can be fired and denied housing (among other things) simply because they are LGBT. In the city of Holland, Michigan, near where I live, the city council recently struck down an ordinance that would make it against the law to deny LGBT’s the rights I mentioned above based simply on their sexual orientation. Now I ask you, is that something that a society, based on the concept of freedom for all, should allow to happen? Personally, I think not.


  1. Hey! I hope you had a wonderful 4th of July!

    It's interesting to ponder what the founding fathers would think, but it was such a different time. I seriously think they'd see as many advancements as atrocities, and some of those perceived atrocities would probably be what we deem advancements. Slavery and Native American Indian Genocide... I wonder, indeed.

    I'm not sure there's any utopian paradise for human beings, but I agree that the "war on drugs" is a farce. The real war is being waged on us through psychiatry and pharmaceutical companies, making us feel inadequate and "less than" so we pay for a chemical escape. Marijuana has medicinal properties for some people, but I have to say that I am really annoyed with the people here who can legally buy it who drive while they're high. They are really slow to react to situations and it makes driving around L.A. that much more dangerous.

    You make some points I'd like to look into. I've never considered the longer term idea. Seems to make sense, though, that two years isn't really much of a stretch. More taxes... I don't know, but people who live and work here should be on equal grounds for whatever they pay.

    I still think the government should stay out of marriage affairs. They shouldn't be giving incentives to anyone unless they're doing it for everyone.

  2. If time travel were possible I think Our Founding Fathers would be a bit upset that we have become One Nation under Lawyers, by Lawyers, For Lawyers and the Constitution be damned if they can figure out a way to make the American Public and Our Legal System the Lawyer's Ca$h Cow. Note that most of your Senators and Congressmen, who are mainly front men for Corporate campaign contributors, are Lawyers who found Politics more lucrative than ambulance chasing.
    That our Founding Fathers were brilliant for their time--remember they didn't think women smart enough to vote--goes without saying if you only take the time to sit and read the Constitution.
    But I don't think they could have imagined the complexity of the modern world, or the Global Business interests (like the WTO) which are Economic Enemies both Foreign and Domestic to We The People and Our Constitution. So you can't blame Our Founding Fathers for not imagining The Cyber Age we live in today.
    And yet they did get the basic Freedom ideas for the People (not for LLCs, "Don't blame us if we fuck you over our Liability is 'Limited' "; LLCs are a Public Grant from We The People by the way), ay least once they ratified The Bill Of Rights.
    How fragile Our Constitutional future hangs in the Balance can be seen in the latest, Amendment XXVII which is not concerned about We The People, but in making sure the Lawyer/Politicians don't have their pay slashed until the next elections so they have time to find a good paying Consulting job with their Corporate Bung Hole Buddies. Now there is an Amendment right up their with Abolition of Slavery and the Women's vote--Not!!
    Marijuana is illegal because of Politicians sucking up to the Religious vote, the same way they did that brought us the dark and violent days of alcohol Prohibition and its subsequent Black Market and explosion of Organized Crime.
    Legalize and regulate (and tax)all Consentual black market crime (like Nevada does with prostitution) and our national crime problem would practically disappear over night and we would have the surplus of community, state and national funds where we are throwing good money after bad over and over again.
    The Religious Vote may have the right to worship the Delusion of their Choice, but we have to figure out a way to keep them from creating allegedly secular law with an religiously established agenda that will "...make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of the citizens of the United States..."--This same 14th Amendment being tossed around (Section 4) about Our "...debt of the United States..." by President Obama right now.
    Term Limits were dreamed up by the Republican Pseudo-Cons after President Roosevelt's 4 terms of office, the giant whom brought us out of the last Great Drepression (economic downturn) and got us through Hitler's War of Terror, WWII. As soon as Reagan was elected President the Pseudo-Cons thought the 22nd Amendment might be out of date and need to be repealed. If you have a good auto mechanic doing a great job should you only use him twice to fix your car? Car Repair Limits! Then hope your next mechanic isn't a rip-off opportunist?
    General Electric made billions last year but paid no corporate "Fictional Person" Income Tax. We've got to level the tax base field by not allowing corporations to get tax allowences by moving from state-to-state and paying their fair share of the money they made off of the backs of citizen-employees (who do the real work that earns that stock dividend) and used our collective natural resorces and Infrastructure. That should be figured in as part of the cost of doing business--and if we put Trade Tariffs back in place there would be no argument about sending manufacturing overseas. We don't need a Federal Income Tax on The People, We just need to collect the Corporate taxes owed and also the Lease monies owed us on Oil Drilling on Public Lands etc...
