
Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Gay Rights: Sodomy and the 10 Commandments

For everyone that reads this, I wish to make a wager. Most of my regular readers I am sure would lose this bet. You new readers, in particular those readers that are against gay rights, would probably be surprised that you will most likely have lost this bet as well. What is the bet you ask? Well it’s simple, I bet you all that you have committed sodomy and that many of you probably didn’t even know it. We can talk about wagers later but I don’t think I am going to lose here.

The legal definition of sodomy is “anal or oral intercourse between human beings” (read source here). Sure, this definition seems to zero in on homosexual males but read the definition again. Not only does this definition refer to anal sex but also to oral sex. So if you have ever received or given oral sex, you are guilty of sodomy. Some other definitions even include premarital sex. So with that wide definition, I would think that pretty much every one has committed the act of sodomy at some point in their life.

In case you didn’t know, the word sodomy comes from the name of the Biblical city of Sodom. The story, which I won’t go over here, is talked about in the first book of the Bible, Genesis. Now here is the thing. People use this story as a condemnation of homosexuality, particularly among men, because they believe that God was angry at the men of the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah because they were engaging in anal sex. Many years after the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, another important Biblical event occurred, the exodus of the Jews from Egypt and God giving Moses the 10 Commandments to give to his chosen people. In case you need a refresher of what the 10 Commandments were, here is another link. Go ahead and look them over, I’ll wait.

Many of the 10 Commandments are the basis for many of the laws in this world today. Obviously murdering and stealing are good things not to do, same thing with lying and honoring your father and mother. Even coveting is not favorable because it can lead to jealousy. There is one thing that I don’t see on this list of behaviors that God wants from his people. Do you know what it is? You can go back and look. Go ahead, I’ll wait again. That one thing that seem to missing is that homosexuality, and by extension sodomy, is not a part of the 10 Commandments. I know this may be a shock to your system so I want you to remember to breath.

To all of you who disagree with what I have said, I want you to ask yourself something. If God is so against homosexuality and their depraved ways, why didn’t he include it when he gave the Commandments to Moses? Maybe God doesn’t care if two people of the same sex love each other and want to spend the rest of their together, not hurting anyone else. If that is true, maybe God didn’t destroy Sodom and Gomorrah because of all homosexual behavior but because of all the other evil behavior, like murdering, stealing, lying and cheating on their spouses. Just think about this stuff the next time you want to talk about the “evils of homosexuality”.

1 comment:

  1. Bottom line, no human being should ever try to deny another human being the right to search for and express love--whatever form it takes--period. The "right" to get married is secondary to the right to engage in communal forms of love. And whatever god you believe in (if it is a loving god), will be pleased. :)
